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Successful cold outreach starts with a few things: Accurate prospecting. Good technology.
And of course, a cold calling script that delivers.

Yes, what you say and how you say it is extremely important. Without having this piece, the people you call on might hang up before you even get through your first line.

The question is: How do you write a script that’s appropriate for you and your audience? 

Generally speaking, your cold-calling script should capture important details. These include your value proposition, common objections, and rebuttals. It should also be structured to convert.

Your cold-calling script should also be built to be internalized. Hearing a caller read from a script word-for-word won’t excite your buyers. A script simply provides a framework to ensure that the seller doesn’t run out of ideas, get lost during the call, and in turn lose a prospect.

Now, we know that writing a proper phone sales script takes time. In some cases, it will also need many revisions. But it’s totally worth it because your calls will feel different. They’ll feel professional. Your prospects will notice the work you put into your approach.

Sounds good, right? If you want to improve your approach but aren’t sure where to begin, we’re sharing some tips to help you get moving. Let’s jump in!

The Structure of A Cold Calling Script?

A cold calling script, when properly structured, includes four parts:

1. The Greeting

The greeting is the most crucial part of the call. It’ll determine whether it ends before it even starts, or if you’ll be allowed to continue. If you can, use the name or job function of the person you need to speak with to get through gatekeepers.

Before you start to pitch, make sure you’re speaking to the right person. They should understand clearly who you are, where you’re calling from, and the purpose of your call. It’ll save you from spending time on selling, only to find out later that you still need to reach a decision-maker.

Make your pitch brief and concise. Adapt it to the person on the other end. Be personable, but don’t spend too much time on small talk about the weather or what kind of day everyone’s having. Small talk is great, but too much can take away from learning if your offer can actually help your prospect.

2. The Introduction

Describe yourself briefly, adding at least one statement to confirm your brand name and what your company does. Use a product benefit to explain your brand instead of a generic sentence like “We are a design company” or “We offer design solutions.”It’ll make your pitch more exciting. Here’s an example to clarify further:

 “My name is Evan Ford, and I work for Brad & Jones. We help Airbnb hosts keep their properties booked through well-appointed design and photos.” 

Also, tell your prospect why you’re calling:

I’m calling to see if we can set up a time to discuss ways to decrease your vacancy rates and boost reviews. “

3. Description Of Your Offer

This part can abruptly end your call – or make it a success. Speak specifically about how it will help your prospect. A well-thought-out cold calling script will ensure you’re prepared to speak about why your prospect should take an appointment or consider your product.

In addition to being prepared for questions, you’ll also need to be ready to meet resistance. Ensure that you’ll be able to address any concerns in an open, supportive, and convincing way.

By the same token, your script should help you clarify who’s a good fit for your offering and who’s not. If during the call, you realize the prospect is not a fit, politely acknowledge that fact or inform them, then wrap it up.

4. Conversion / Booking An Appointment

It’s your call to action, and it should be persuasive and clear. For instance, you might be looking for an appointment with the prospect. There needs to be a clear definition of success, and the script should lay out the process for attaining it.

These are the four main parts of a cold-calling script that delivers. Next, we’re going to discuss the part of your script that focuses less on the structure and more on making a connection with the person on the other end.

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Writing A Cold Calling Script That Converts: E.Q. Tips

While the flow of the conversation should be well-planned, having a meaningful conversation is also a must. Here are some questions to ask as you review your script:

Is It Engaging?

Is the prospect involved in the conversation, or are you doing most of the talking? You’ll save time and resources when you give your sales prospect the ability to engage with you and provide honest feedback.

For instance, after your introduction, ask the prospect if it’s something they’re interested in. If the prospect’s answer is yes, follow up with a couple of qualifying questions. If not, you can ask questions to understand why not. Make sure your questions are open-ended.

Does It Explain Next Steps?

A prospect is likely to listen to you longer when it’s clear where the conversation is going. If your goal isn’t clear, you’ll lose the client fast. Do you want them to book an appointment? Give you their email address? Buy today? Whatever your ask is, be direct. Then disclose what will happen once they’ve agreed.

Provide details to help facilitate the next step in your process as well. If you invited them to a meeting, do they need to accept their invitation to ensure it takes place? Do they need access to a screen share for your call? Is there any information they should prepare for your next conversation?

By sharing what will happen next and then following through, you’re helping the potential client feel comfortable with your process and building trust.

Is It Relatable?

Do your talking points address your audience and their needs appropriately? Research to understand your audience, and research individual prospects before you call them as well.

This part should be easy because just by studying a brand’s online presence, you’ll learn much of what you should know before you pursue the relationship.

Review the company’s history and its values on its website. Study its social media pages. Use software tools that speed up the research process by consolidating business data like company expansions, funding, mergers, and other important details.

Does It Provide Proof?

What are you saying to convince buyers to work with you? Are you making vague statements or generalizing, or are you providing concrete information about your abilities?

You should be able to share statistics that position you as a force in the marketplace. Knowing your industry well overall prepares you for questions prospects might ask as they compare different offers.

Testimonials and reviews are also kinds of proof that prospects may give weight to, especially in B2B sales, where industry references matter. If you mention a client’s testimonial, you might be able to connect it with a specific but common challenge you solved for them.

Does It Mention Referrals?

A prospect will be more interested in your offer when you mention your referral source. It’ll prompt them to check in with the referrer to ask what it was like working with you. Since the referrer felt the prospect would be interested in your product or service, they’ll be inclined to naturally sell on your behalf. This can play a positive part in influencing your prospect to consider your offer.

You can also ask your prospect for referrals in case they know someone else who might need your help.

Final Thoughts

For a cold-caller, it’s disheartening to realize they’re missing the tools to approach conversations the right way. A good cold-calling script prevents that from happening. It ensures that rather than wasting energy on trying to dispel cringe-worthy moments, they can make more of every opportunity– each call that connects.

Are you ready to give your cold-calling script some extra love?

What steps will you take to ensure your script is built to help you meet your objectives?

SEE RELATED: 5 Early Warning Signs Your Prospects Aren’t Interested

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